Kevala Health Privacy Policy

  1. We Respect Your Privacy

Kevala Health respects your right to privacy and is committed to safeguarding the privacy of our customers and website visitors. This policy sets out how we treat your personal information.

2. Collection of Personal Information is Private

Kevala Health will keep any personal information given from our website, Social Media, or Ads only with Kevala Health. You may provide basic information such as name, number, address, and email to enable us to send you information on our business, in the form of newsletters and specials. Any additional information such as credit cards strictly stays in the system and is not shared and is private.

3. Use of your Personal Information is Private

Kevala Health may use personal information collected from you, to send you information through newsletters, emails, and updates on our services. We may also make you aware of new services and products. We may use your personal information to improve our services and products and to better understand your needs.

Kevala Health may contact you in a variety of ways including, but not limited to email, telephone, or SMS.

Kevala Health will not give your personal details out to other businesses.

4. Kevala Health Feedback

Kevala Health is open to all feedback and communication to help us improve our services through our email here.

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