Beginners Guide to Live Yoga

Kevala Health at-home online studio photo.

Kevala Health at-home online studio photo.

Why choose Kevala Health Live Yoga and Pilates?

Why do some people choose live online Yoga and Pilates? For some, lacking confidence with being in a room full of strangers, different smells or they may not have a car. Other people could be time-poor, on a strict budget, or want their own privacy and not be embarrassed.

The great news is, Kevala Yoga and Pilates online classes are perfect for beginners as they are slow, safe, and motivating with weekly new themes. With easy-to-follow and simple verbal instructions so you can feel safe and progress. You can make requests at the beginning of class and chat with Jodie through the Zoom webinar screen. It’s your very own real-life yoga and pilates studio in your home. Just relax and breathe.

You can combine Kevala Yoga and Pilates classes together to get into shape, strengthen the back and core, release stress, and feel more energized. In this Kevala blog, you’ll find everything you need to know about live Yoga and Pilates for beginners.

Difference Between Kevala Yoga and Pilates

In our Kevala Pilates, we focus mainly on the core area, which includes the pelvic floor, glutes (buttocks), Transverse and Rectus Abdominus, internal and external Obliques, and lower back. We also will add some thigh and arm work. During the live Pilates class, we include lots of stretches throughout and at the end. Our live Pilates is only 45 minutes, and we mix it up with some Pilates band and ball exercises.

In a Kevala Yoga live stream class, we focus on strengthening and stretching the whole body, learning many breathing techniques, improving your balance, and deeply relaxing at the end with a guided meditation. These classes are 55-60 minutes. Read more information here on our live Pilates and Yoga classes.

What time should I be ready before class?

It’s always best to set up 10-15 minutes before the class begins so you can relax more or have an online chat with Jodie. If you have any concerns or prior injuries, it’s important to advise Jodie before the class begins, so she can give you modifications or help. You can send Jodie a message using the chat icon at the bottom of the Zoom screen if you have any concerns or even a request for the live classes. The best thing about Jodie’s live Yoga and Pilates classes you can make a request before class begins.

What should you wear in Yoga or Pilates?

Wearing comfortable clothing is highly encouraged. Any exercise workout clothes will be suitable for our live online classes, like stretchy pants, singlets, and t-shirts. The best thing is you don’t need to wear shoes and you don’t need to worry about what you look like.

What do I need to start a live class at home?

It is important to set up your space to reflect calmness and comfort. When setting up for a live Yoga at home, you can enhance the space by placing an essential oil diffuser in the room or burning natural scented candles. Or even place some fresh-smelling flowers in your room. You can create your own special healing space for your live class in your home.

Some classes use props such as bands, blankets, bolsters, or cushions to help the body to relax and go deeper into a Yoga pose or strengthen in live Pilates. It is easy to have all your props near your mat always. The best part is you can find everything at home, from blankets to cushions. Generally have 2 blankets and 2 cushions ready. If you want to try live pilates then you can purchase a Pilates-resistant band or small balls at any sports shop or large retail general shops.

What if I’m older or too tight?

You are never too old or too tight to start a Kevala class. These live-stream Pilates and yoga classes are slow and safe. The most important tip is to always go at your own pace. Kevala Yoga and Pilates live classes are slow, and safe with a qualified and experienced teacher. You can stop at any time and rest. If you feel pain, then stop and ignore the old saying “no pain, no gain”, to avoid injury.

You can use a wall or chair for extra support and assistance, and discuss your concerns with Jodie at the beginning of the class.

Remember, this is your practice, your body, and your choices.

Just be patient with yourself, and the body and mind will open up. When we push ourselves too hard, we are prohibiting progression, and you won’t enjoy it as much. Start with an open mind, you are far likelier to enjoy your Yoga and Pilates journey. 

How do I breathe?

The golden rule of all Kevala Yoga and Pilates is to always focus on breathing as it will guide you through the live class.

In Kevala Yoga, we concentrate on breathing slowly, deeply, and evenly through our nostrils. Consciously keep your face and neck relaxed as you do so. We understand that this may feel unnatural to start, so you are welcome to begin by using natural breathing until you learn nostril breathing techniques. In a Kevala Pilates class, we focus on diaphragmatic breathing and exhaling through the mouth.

As you move in and out of the yoga poses and Pilates exercises, try to do so with full awareness. Take the time to register how your body parts feel as they move and listen to what your body is communicating to you and adjust accordingly. This way, you will know when to rest and when you can push gently more.

How often should I practice Yoga or Pilates?

Beginners Yoga pose to release lower back photo.

Beginners Yoga pose to release lower back photo.

This all depends on your health, goals, and age. If you are over 50 and never exercised before then start with one or two classes a week. One Live Pilates and one live Yoga would be a perfect start. If you are healthy and have no issues anywhere in the body, you can do as many classes as you wish, and a good start is three classes, with one day's rest in between. We have some yoga and pilates students who participate in our live classes six days a week.

Be kind to yourself, let go of expectations and you will have fun. As you continually progress, you will begin to reap the health benefits of your Yoga and/or Pilates practice. You may notice that you begin to feel more relaxed in your body, physically and mentally stronger, and more confident.

Remember to always seek medical advice from your doctor or physiotherapist before you start your exercise health journey if you are unsure of your physical limitations.

Kevala Health live classes are a complete mind and body workout you can do safely at home. Be guided by our experienced teacher Jodie and enjoy our 14-day free trial now. No contracts, no fuss, you can do casual classes from your home.

More information here on the 5 benefits of live stream yoga at home.


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