NDIS Procedures and Policy Outline

Kevala Health NDIS Procedures and Policies

Risk management plan

The process will be followed by the guidelines below and the NDIS codes and standards for risk management requirements.

1. Kevala Health has a legal and ethical obligation to ensure that all people, including those with disabilities and visitors, are not harmed during the use of Kevala Health services. This policy outlines how Kevala Health prepares for and responds to risks as part of Kevala Health's ongoing commitment to providing safe, high-quality services. Kevala Health plans to be a registered NDIS provider.

2. Kevala Health services are safe for people to participate in. While some risks cannot be eliminated, action is taken to identify risks and removed, minimize or manage them. Risks and plans are documented. People accessing Kevala Health services will be informed about any risks before starting.

3. Kevala Health is committed to continuous improvement and adapts its services to improve safety every month. 4. A risk assessment is undertaken for all participants and services. This will include: Review the area in which the participant is moving around (free of obstacles, the appropriate size of the area, enough light, low noise, supports like chair/walls, another person to assist, and the floor is safe). On initial contact and inquiry do a health assessment and research any medical conditions if needed. Kevala Health will liaise with other relevant health professionals and family members to reduce any risks.

5. Kevala health risks are assessed based on their likelihood and the potential for harm. Resources are provided to eliminate or minimize any risks, such as verbal descriptions at the beginning and throughout sessions. To reduce risks Kevala Health will recommend the use of chairs, walls, or another person for assistance during sessions. The use of mats, blankets, and other props for extra support, comfort, and safety. 6. Kevala Health maintains a risk register that is reviewed following any complaint, accident, or incident. Kevala Health will follow incident report guidelines if occurs. The risk register is also routinely reviewed annually. Kevala Health will comply with all mandatory reporting requirements related to the safeguarding of people with disabilities, quality management, and workplace safety.

7. Kevala Health will advise People accessing services, their families or carers, staff, and volunteers are made aware of risks.

8. Kevala Health will accept and use feedback from people with disabilities accessing the service, complaints and the results of formal evaluations are used to update the risk management and improve practice and services. Kevala Health has public liability insurance and can provide the client with a copy.

Incident plan for Kevala Health NDIS

1. An incident form will be filled out within 24hours if the following occurs: A) Death of an NDIS participant B) Serious injury of NDIS participant C) Neglect or abuse of NDIS participant D) Assault or unlawful sexual abuse

2. An incident from one form will be filled out immediately (within 24 hours ) and checked by the person(s) involved and sent to NDIS.

3. If no further action is needed, then form two (no further action needed) will be sent to the client to fill out an incident assessment will be closed.

4. If further investigation is needed then Kevala Health will liaise with NDIS and the client will be informed of the progress and continue to get support from Kevala Health. 5. Kevala Health will ensure that If a person with a disability affected by an incident has a decision-maker, advocate, or substituted or informal decision-maker, these people may need to be included in the incidence management process and resolution process.

6. Kevala Health (Jodie Manning) will continue to liaise with NDIS during the process and the client and any advocates. 7. Kevala Health will continue to review the incident, workplace management systems, and policies.

8. Kevala Health (Jodie Manning) will provide support when possible and assistance to participants and caregivers during the process.

Request an incident or complaints form.

More information on NDIS.