Chakra Balancing with Yoga

Chakra Health

Chakra Yoga Online Classes

Kevala Health Chakra Yoga Classes

What Are Chakras?

Chakras are subtle energy centers, or spinning wheels of energy that run along the spine. When these energy centers are open or balanced, they create harmony in our body and mind. When they are closed or unbalanced, there is a greater chance of emotional, mental, and physical distress or disruption. We have seven main chakra centers that run from the base of our spine to the crown of our head.

The Seven Main Chakras

In selected Kevala Health online yoga classes, we work towards balancing our chakras using specific yoga postures (asanas), breath work (breathing techniques), and meditations that help to activate these energy centers (Chakras).

Every week in Kevala Health’s online yoga class there is a Chakra theme class. Each Chakra relates to one of the five elements and seasons bringing you more harmony in the mind, body, and spirit.

How can you determine if any of your seven Chakras is healthy or out of balance? We have a list of questions to ask yourself here about each of the seven Chakras.

Would you like to learn how to create your own healing space at home for your live-stream yoga classes? Read our BLOG about creating a safe, calm healing space at home for your Yoga.

Read more on how to use essential oils in classes with Kevala Aromatherapy Yoga Classes and workshops.

What essential oils to use for your Chakra health? Follow this LINK for information on essential oils for Chakras.

Read our blog about balancing the Chakras.

The Seven Main Chakras in the Body

Yoga Poses for Chakra Health

Crystals for Chakra Health

Root Chakra

(Mooladhara) - Red

Our first main energy center is the root (base) Chakra located in the tailbone area. The pelvic floor (perineum) is connected with Root Chakra. This is our energy center for our inner strength, support, stability, grounding, and taking care of the physical body. The Root Chakra dictates our survival instincts and connected with the Earth Element and our adrenal glands. It’s the foundation for the higher Chakras.

Yoga poses to help open the Root Chakra are balance yoga poses, Warrior poses, and all standing yoga postures.

Affirmations: “I am safe and supported”.

Mantra: LAM

Crystals: Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Fire Agate, Garnet, Onyx, Smokey Quartz, Ruby, Red Jasper.

Read about essential oils for the Root Chakra.

Read our blog here on 7 tips to open your Root Chakra.

Sacral Chakra

(Swadhisthana) - Orange

The second main energy center is located in the hips and lower belly region. This is your sacred center for creativity, pleasure, healthy sexuality, going with the flow, and letting go of old emotions. It’s connected with the Water Element and our ovaries/testes in the endocrine system.

Yoga poses for Sacral Chakra are all the hip opening yoga poses, anything wide leg postures, and gentle yoga flows.

Affirmations; “I go with the flow”.

Mantra: VAM

Crystals: Amber, Carnelian, Orange Tourmaline, Sunstone.

More information is here about our Sacral Chakra yoga and Water Element.

Read more about what essential oil blends will help open the sacred Sacral Chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra

(Manipura) - Yellow

The third main energy center is located below the front ribcage area and a few inches above Navel. It is the center for your personal willpower, confidence, ambition, courage, tolerance, self-esteem, and discipline. Connected with the Fire Element and our Pancreas.

Yoga poses to help open the Solar Plexus Chakra are Core yoga postures, heat building poses like twists, and flows.

Affirmations: “I am strong and confident”.

Mantra: RAM

Crystals: Yellow Agate, Yellow Citrine, Yellow Topaz.

More information here on the Solar plexus Chakra yoga.

Or try our new invigorating Empower essential oil roller blend for Solar Plexus.

Heart Chakra

(Anahata) - Green

The heart Chakra is our fourth main energy center located in the heart center. It is the center for our love, compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, joy, contentment, and trust. Connected with the Air Element and the Thymus gland.

Yoga poses to help open the Heart Chakra are backbends, chest opening poses, and twists. Learn more about the Heart Chakra here.

Affirmations: “My heart is open ready to give and receive love”.

Mantra: YAM

Crystals: Emerald, Green Calcite, Green Kyanite, Green Tourmaline, Jade, Kunzite, Peridot, Rose Quartz.

Try our Loving-kindness essential oil blend for the Heart Chakra.

Throat Chakra

(Vishuddhi) - Blue

Our fifth energy center is located in the throat. This is the energy center for speaking and hearing our truth, expressing ourselves freely, and good communication. It’s connected with the Ether Element and our Thyroid gland.

Yoga poses to open the Throat Chakra are backbends and neck Stretches

Affirmations: “I speak my truth safely and freely”.

Mantra: HAM

Crystals: Aquamarine, Blue Kyanite, Celestite, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Turquoise.

Try our new Express essential oil roll-on blend with 100% pure oils to balance the Throat Chakra.

Crown Chakra

(Sahasrara) - Purple

The Crown Chakra is our seventh main energy center found at the crown of our head. This is the center for connection to our higher self or higher power, open-mindedness, and inner peace. Connected with the beyond element and Pituitary Gland.

Yoga poses to help open the Crown Chakra are Legs up the wall yoga pose, inversions, breath work, and meditation.

Affirmations: “I connect with a higher power”.

Mantra: Silence

Crystals: Apophyllite, Celestite, Clear Quartz, Iolite, Moonstone, Phenacite, White topaz.

Feel inner peace with our new Awaken essential oil roller blend.

Third Eye Chakra

(Ajna) - Indigo

The third-eye energy center is our sixth Chakra located between our eyebrows. It is our center for inner knowing and wisdom, imagination, intuition, and thinking clearly. Connected with the beyond element and Pineal Gland.

Yoga poses to help open the Third eye Chakra are the child pose, forward bends, breath work, and meditation.

Affirmations: “I see and think clearly”.

Mantra: OM

Crystals: Amethyst, Iolite, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Sodalite, Star Sapphire, Selenite, Tanzanite.

Enhance your intuition and inner wisdom with our new Vision essential oil roller blend.

Disclaimer: The information on Kevala Health website and classes should not be a substitute for medical conditions. Always seek professional advice from your doctor.