Solar Plexus Chakra | Cleanse the Body

Yoga twist for Solar Plexus Chakra.

Yoga twist to open the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Cleanse the Body with Solar Plexus Chakra

Chakra Yoga Online Classes with Kevala Health

This month in our live-stream yoga classes, we are focusing on cleansing the body through activation of the Solar Plexus Chakra with yoga postures, breathing, meditations, and detox drinks. You will learn more about yoga poses for Chakras.

What is the Solar plexus? It is our third main energy center located below our sternum and above the navel, behind the stomach, and along the spine. When open, it helps to stimulate the digestive system and improves our willpower, discipline, self-esteem, and energy levels. It is our personal power center and the color is yellow, like our sun. This energy center is connected to our gut area, which is the body’s second brain! Maybe it’s time to start listening to your ‘gut feelings/instincts more and build your inner confidence to make healthier choices.

A good time to cleanse the body is spring and clean it out from winter congestion, sluggishness, and extra weight! Time to increase some fire in the belly to help remove toxins and gain more energy. This third energy center will help us detox the body and cleanse our minds of negative emotions.

Some yoga poses that help open the solar plexus include, core poses, Vinyasa yoga flows, twists, gentle backbends, and yin poses to open up the liver and gall bladder meridians. In our live online yoga classes, we will begin the class with stronger yang poses and finish with gentle yin poses to heal the body and mind.

It’s important to tap into this center to build self-discipline and willpower to reach our health goals and make healthier choices. When this chakra is open, it helps us be more productive instead of procrastinating. If it is blocked you may be feeling more anger, shame, or other negative feelings and these can stop us from making wise choices.

Other fun ways to open your power center are to wear more yellow or gold, eat more yellow foods, place yellow flowers in your rooms and spend more time in the sun. Try visual mediations like breathing in and out golden light from the third energy center or repeating the mantra for the Solar Plexus Chakra, which is “RAM”. It’s important to have some fun too.

Best Tips to Cleanse the Body

  1. Drink more water: You can add citrus fruits in your water, cucumber, mint, and ginger, to help with the detoxifying process.

  2. Solar Plexus Chakra Yoga Poses: Do more twists, backbends, sun salutes, Vinyasa flows, and core poses. These are all heat-building poses. Essential oils for Solar Plexis here.

  3. Healthier Eating: Eat more fresh fruits and veggies.

  4. Cleansing Yoga breathing; Kapalbhati (breath of fire), HA breaths (deep exhales out through the mouth), and other deep breathing techniques you can learn in our live yoga classes.

  5. Regular Cardio exercise: Walk, bike, or swim.

  6. Consume Less: Alcohol, sugars, fats, and cigarettes!

  7. Mindful meditations and Affirmations: Our mind and emotional health play a big role in making healthy choices to help cleanse the body and mind. Some examples of affirmations are “Ï am enough”, “Ï honor the power within me”, “The fire within me burns through all fears and blocks”, and “Ï can”. Repeat this affirmation on the exhale, after you have deeply inhaled.

Learn more about Chakra yoga poses and detox in our live yoga classes with new monthly themes for a 14-day free trial.

More information on the other Chakras is here.


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