Essential Oil Blends for Headaches

Yoga and essential oils for headaches

Essential oils and Yoga may assist with headaches.

Best Tips for Headaches and Stress

Most people during their lifetime will experience headaches and even migraines. Headaches can be commonly caused by stress, anxiety, fatigue, poor posture, and tightness in the neck and shoulders. Even a poor diet can cause headaches and migraines.

The best solution is the prevention of these headaches and migraines. For prevention, we need to be more aware of our bodies, and what we do to help with the possible causes. Do you have tightness in the neck and shoulders? Do you round your upper back and poke your chin forward? Are you stressed? Have you drunk enough water? These are just some questions you can ask yourself, that may be a cause of your headaches. There are a few types of headaches, like; tension headaches, sinus headaches, sugar headaches, and cluster headaches.

If you know you are tight in your neck and shoulders, then some gentle yoga stretches, combined with pure essential oils may help you relieve your headaches. This combination of yoga stretches and pure essential oils may help you release muscle tightness and reduce headaches and symptoms.

Using essential oils that promote calmness and help with muscle tension is very useful for headaches and possibly some migraines.

The 5 Best Essential Oils for Headaches

  1. Lavender: Lavender is the most common essential oil used around the home and can assist with tension headaches, release tight muscles, and reduce symptoms of stress.

  2. Peppermint: Peppermint essential oil is another used to help relieve muscle tension, and improve circulation which will assist with relieving headaches and migraines.

  3. Rosemary: Rosemary is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. It has been helpful for some people with mental tiredness, and will also assist with relaxing muscle tension and improving circulation. Rosemary oil has been used to aid in anxiety and depression.

  4. Marjoram: This essential oil can assist with arthritis, and insomnia, and is another good muscle relaxant.

  5. Frankincense: One of my favorite and very versatile essential oils is Frankincense. Research has shown this king of all essential oils, can be useful in relieving tension and cluster headaches. It also has anti-oxidants, and soothing, and calming properties, which may assist with headaches.

How to use Essential Oils for Headaches

You can use a room diffuser and sit closely so the aroma can be close. My favorite is to mix a combination of the above essential oils with a carrier oil and rub it around the neck area and temples. Be careful you don’t get in your eyes! Or have a bath with some essential oils. You can try all three suggestions. If it is winter you can place some drops of essential oils on your scarf around the neck or on your pillow before you sleep every night. Use 6-8 drops of pure essential oils with 10ml carrier oil for your neck and temples.

Here are some good stretches for the neck and shoulders. We have listed 5 easy stretches for the neck below. Aim to do these neck stretches daily to prevent tightness in the neck area. Don’t forget to massage some of your essential oil blends onto your neck first!

  1. Ear-to-shoulder stretch: Place one hand gently on top of the head, while the other hand can rest on the thigh or behind our back. Gently guide your ear to the shoulder and hold for at least 30 seconds to a minute on each side.

  2. Nose to armpit stretch: From ear to shoulder stretch, turn the nose downwards slowly towards the armpit and feel a deep stretch at the back of the neck. Breathe into your neck and hold it from 30 seconds to one minute.

  3. Shoulder shrugs and circles: Lift the shoulders towards the ears as you inhale and gently drop down on the exhale, which are shoulder shrugs. Then move the shoulders in slow circles in both directions for 20-30 rounds.

  4. Self-hugs: Wrap your arms in front of the chest and give yourself a big hug. Your hands are holding the opposite shoulder from behind. Breathe into your upper back and neck. Tuck in your chin. Hold this for at least 30 seconds to a minute. Repeat with the opposite arm on top.

  5. Twists: Take a deep inhale and lift your spine and arms to the sky, then turn to one side and place one hand on the leg or chair and another hand behind. Focus on lengthening the spine more on the inhale and gentle twist on the exhale. Moving slowly the spine, shoulders, and neck. You may tuck your neck downwards towards the chin.

You can watch my video on how to release the neck and shoulders. Remember to focus on your breathing when you stretch and move slowly. You can do these stretches daily.

If you continuously have headaches or migraines, please see your doctor or medical professional.

Another way to help with headaches is by using a warm compress around the neck or a cool compress over the eyes.

Cautions: Essential oils are generally safe, compared to traditional headache and migraine medications. It is best to avoid or use less of these over-the-counter drugs. There are side effects of medications and they do damage the kidneys and liver. Always test a small amount of the oils on your skin to see if you have any irritation or allergic reaction. Remember to dilute pure essential oils with carrier oil. You can use vegetable oil, coconut, almond, or my favorite is jojoba oil.

If you are experiencing stress, aim to either reduce your stress or manage it with meditation or try yoga. More information on breathing techniques for anxiety and stress.

Getting good quality sleep will help reduce headaches. Aim to eat healthily and drink lots of water during the day all help with the prevention of headaches and migraines. Eat fewer sugary foods and diet drinks.

Try our live online yoga classes at home with a 14-day trial. After this trial has finished you can do casual classes at $10 or buy monthly passes, or a 15-pack. No contracts.

Reduce headaches by looking after your health and well-being with Kevala Health’s new Australian-made natural essential oil perfumes.

We have created the Abundance and Vision essential oil perfumes, to assist with headaches when combined with breathwork and meditation. Buy our new essential oil roller blends in the Kevala Health SHOP.

7 Chakra essential oil blends for health and help with headaches.


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