Full Moon Rituals and Yoga

Full moon ritual and Yoga

Full Moon rituals and meditation.

Full Moon Yoga and Rituals

Have you ever felt the magic of a full moon or your energy change? This time of the month is when the phases of the moon’s energy cause the rise and fall of the oceans. With our body made up of 70-70% of water, we too can benefit from the energy of the moon.

When we tune into nature, we have a better understanding of ourselves and connect on a deeper level. A full moon is a time to reflect, let go, set new intentions, and recharge. Taking time once a month for a full moon ritual is the perfect way to enhance your self-care routine.

You may notice leading up to a full moon, usually a few days before and after, you will notice your emotions are heightened. It’s a good time to connect with these emotions, feel them, breathe into them, then release these emotions.

A full moon ritual can help us let go of anything that no longer serves us and heal. I have listed below 10 full moon rituals to try and you can choose just one or more. Kevala Health online yoga classes focus on a monthly full moon yoga ritual, so you can self-heal at home. Stay connected with the Kevala Health Facebook page for more information on full moon yoga classes.

8 Full Moon Rituals for Healing

  1. Tune into nature: Tune into nature during a full moon. Go for a walk and feel the energy.

  2. Journal: Keep a journal of how you feel during this time, especially a few days before the official full moon and after your full moon ritual.

  3. Yoga practice: You can practice some gentle yin yoga poses during a full moon or yoga flows like some moon salutations. Yin yoga poses are calming and soft encouraging us to connect with our feminine energy. Remember the moon is feminine energy and the sun is masculine energy.

  4. Ceremony: Have your own full moon ritual ceremony by lighting candles and having crystals near your healing space. Reflect on gratitude here. Being thankful for all the good in your life will grow on a full moon. You can burn a note or letter with the ritual below.

  5. Manifest: A full moon manifestation is powerful, where you write down your intentions and repeat them. You may also want to write yourself a letter or to someone, where you would like to release something negative.

  6. Cleansing bath: After your yoga and ceremony above you could finish with a cleansing bath. Imagine the water washing away negative energy from your body. Don’t forget the candles around the bath!

  7. Full moon meditation: You can include a mini full moon meditation during your ceremony above, or during the bath. Try our simple full-moon meditation below.

  8. Eat Healthier: Don’t forget to eat healthy during the powerful energy of the full moon. You will cleanse the body more by eating fresh fruits, vegetables and drinking more water!

7 Simple Steps for Full Moon Meditation

  1. Find a comfortable quiet place to sit or lay. Check you feel comfortable so you can be still. Preferably be where the moonlight is visible.

  2. Close your eyes or softly gaze at the moon.

  3. Take a few deep even breaths, then allow the breath to flow in and out naturally for one to two minutes. Pay attention to the rise and fall of the belly.

  4. Repeat this mantra; “Let” on the inhale, “Go” on the exhale. Repeat the Let Go mantra for a few minutes or longer. Then pause and be quiet.

  5. Set a new intention next. Repeat your new intentions on the exhale a few times and feel this from your heart center. Then pause and be silent for a minute.

  6. Allow your body and mind to completely let go and feel the full moon energy moving through your body. With every exhale let go more.

  7. At the end of the meditation, you can close by saying thanks. Give thanks to anyone or anything (Thank you, Thank you). Even a closing mantra “I am light and free”. You can repeat this mantra as many times as you wish.

By working on your own full moon ritual you are connecting to your personal power and taking steps towards transformation. You are reconnecting to your feminine energy.

Are you ready to reflect, cleanse, and let go? Join a Kevala Health live online yoga class for a 14-day free trial now and try our full moon rituals.


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