Yoga for Men

Yoga for Men warrior pose

Yoga for Men Warrior Pose

Six Benefits of Yoga for Men

Why are more men trying yoga now and loving it? This is a good question. Yoga has so many great benefits for men of all ages and we will share with you some of these benefits.

There are many styles of yoga that welcome and encourage men. You have the stronger and faster flowing Vinyasa yoga or Power yoga classes. These yoga classes are good for more sports-minded and stronger men or younger males. General Hatha yoga is a slower-paced class and good for beginners and older men. Don’t worry you don’t need to wear tight leggings or yoga wear if you are a male. Unless you want to, you can, as all yoga classes are non-judgemental.

We have listed below the best six benefits that we hope will encourage more men to do regular yoga. Don’t forget to read the last benefit of yoga for men!

The Best 6 Benefits of Yoga for Men

  1. Reduce Stress: We all suffer from stress during our lives either from work, home, or other factors in life. This stress can cause many health issues, including; depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, heart issues, and more. Men need to de-stress and yoga is the perfect way to slow down. Yoga for men will also help you improve sleep.

  2. Reduce Tightness: Men who practice yoga can better prepare themselves for sports, weight training, and gym. Many sports athletes incorporate yoga in their training to improve their sports performance. Yoga for men will help you improve your flexibility which we need as we get older, and reduce injuries! If you play golf, then yoga helps you improve your golf swing! If you are prone to tight necks and shoulders, then watch my free video to release your neck and shoulders.

  3. Improve Mental focus: Yoga helps you strengthen the mind, by improving your focus and concentration. This will help you improve your work, and sports, and achieve your goals.

  4. Good Digestion: Eating right is an important part of healthy living and your energy levels. Some yoga poses for men, will help you improve your circulation and elimination of waste products and toxins.

  5. Improve Core and Balance: Want to improve your core strength and balance? Yoga balance poses are great for core strength and balance. This helps your gym, sports performance, and get creative in bed!! You will also find practicing yoga for men will reduce back issues.

  6. Increased Libido: We have saved the best one for last! Yoga for men not only helps you open the body and mind, but it also improves your breathing. Good breathing helps with your energy levels and helps move blocked energy. Yoga Improves your flexibility and endurance and helps men improve their libido. Want to increase your stamina and sex drive, then do yoga!

When we do more yoga we become more self-aware, of what is right for our body and mind. We learn to let go of what is draining and focus more on what nourishes us more. Yoga for men will help you improve your relationships and build confidence and self-esteem. Not just women work on self-worth and self-esteem, but also men can find great benefits from this.

If there are no yoga classes for men near you, then try a Kevala Health live yoga online class. These online yoga classes at home are just right for men! The experienced yoga teacher Jodie will guide you slowly with clear easy instructions for yoga beginners. You will find all your props (support) from homes like cushions and blankets, to help you feel more comfortable. You don’t need to worry about what you look like as you are at home. You can go at your own pace.

If you can’t make the allocated live-stream yoga times, then Jodie will send you the yoga class recording to watch later. You can ask Jodie questions at the beginning and end of each live online yoga class. Just wear a comfortable T-shirt and shorts, and you are ready to start a yoga class.

Kevala Health offers 14 days of free live-stream yoga to new students. Improve your health and fitness with our yoga and Pilates for men now.

Send Jodie an email if you have any questions on live online yoga at home for men.

Read our blog about the benefits of live yoga at home and how yoga can help with heart health.


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