Yoga for Neck & Shoulders Video

Stretches for the neck and shoulders Video.

Yoga to Stretch Neck and Shoulders | Free Video

Do you ever get neck pain or headaches? Or maybe you just have a tight neck and shoulders.

One of the most common requests I receive in my live online Yoga classes is neck and shoulder stretches. So I have created a short free video on neck and shoulder stretches for everyone.

Long-term management is the best plan to prevent issues with the neck and shoulders. Tension in these areas can often cause headaches, mood changes, and tiredness.

Some common causes of neck and shoulder tension; Poor posture, sleeping in the wrong position, teeth grinding, injuries, and stress. Stress has a powerful effect on the whole body and one way to help manage stress is with yoga and meditation.

Regular stretches like neck rolls (circles), ear to shoulder, nose to armpit, gentle twists, chest, upper back, and shoulder stretches are a great start to prevent neck and shoulder pains. Be mindful of how you sit every day and aim to reduce screen time with phones and computers. Be more aware of your posture as this does affect the neck and shoulders. When you drive your car, make sure the back of your head is touching your headrest and not in a forwards position. Check if you are sleeping with the correct pillow. You can learn more about this in our online yoga classes.

Always focus on your breathing when stretching or doing yoga. Slow, even breaths are best. Move-in and out of your neck and shoulder stretches slowly and mindfully. You can hold for as long as you wish, as long as you are comfortable and there’s no pain. Epsom salt baths are always great to help relieve stress and tension.

Join a Kevala Health live stream yoga class to learn more on neck and shoulder stretches with our 14-days Free Trial.


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